面临新世纪的各种挑战 ,我们党要忠实履行“三个代表” ,党员领导干部成为“三个代表”的带头人是关键 ,党员领导干部的思想品质对人民群众有直接影响 ,党员干部是群众的榜样和楷模。本文试图分析领导干部成为“三个代表”
In the face of varions challenges of the new century, the C.P.C should be faithful in carrying out the idea of 'the Three Representations', the key of which is the leading role of party leaders at all levels, as the idealoyical qualities of leading party members exert direct influence upon the masses and they are expected to serve as examples and paragons for the people. This article tries to analyse the necessity and urgency for leading party members to take the lead in putting into practice the principle of ' the Three Representations'.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
the leadingrole of party leaders
Three Representatives
the leader