目的 :探讨精神发育迟滞 (MR)患者性受害的犯罪学特征。方法 :对 10 1例MR性受害者进行调查分析。结果 :对 10 1例MR性受害者进行调查分析显示未婚性受害人较多 ,一年之中第三季度受害多见。作案多发生于白天 ,而且在加害者家多见。加害者年龄偏大 ,与性受害者多熟悉 ,以谎言、钱物诱骗为主要手段。性受害者被动服从 ,常见多次被奸 ,性受害后多抱无所谓态度 ,较少及时报案 ,以被发现后告发为主。结论 :MR患者易出现性受害 。
Objective:To explore the criminological characteristics of sexual violation (MR) patients. Method:101 MR victims of sexual violation were investigated. Result: The imestigation showed: The unmarried was more than the married, more violations happened in the fall than other seasons. In themselves home and in day. MR victims tended to be cheated by lie, money and goods, passive obedient and in different to the violation, Most of them did not prosecute to the police immediately until the violations were disclosed. In cases of MR victims. the offenders tended to be elder and familiar to the victims. Conclusion: Compared with the normal, MR patients are at high risk of sexual violation which are uneasy to be disclosed.
Journal of Yichun University