Chlorine-36 has various advantages as a dating tool for old groundwater. In this paper, 36CI of Quaternary groundwater in the Hebei plain of North China has been measured using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Ages calculated from the 36CI/CI ratio show that ion filtration, which is responsible for the CI- concentration increasing with depth and along flow paths in Hebei plain groundwater. It is concluded that 36CI age of the groundwater in the 3rd Group of the Quaternary (Q2) in the Cangzhou area is 250ka, and that of the 4th Group(Q1) is 300ka.
Chlorine-36 has various advantages as a dating tool for old groundwater. In this paper, 36CI of Quaternary groundwater in the Hebei plain of North China has been measured using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Ages calculated from the 36CI/CI ratio show that ion filtration, which is responsible for the CI- concentration increasing with depth and along flow paths in Hebei plain groundwater. It is concluded that 36CI age of the groundwater in the 3rd Group of the Quaternary (Q2) in the Cangzhou area is 250ka, and that of the 4th Group(Q1) is 300ka.
This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (GrantNo.4917242)
the Open Laboratory of Constitution, Interaction and Dynamics of the Crust-Mantle system. We thank Prof.Zhong Zengqiu for helpful comments.