Magnetic albumin microspheres bearing adriamycin (ADM MAM) is a novel chemotherapeutic compound with site specific drug delivery characteristics. The acute and subacute toxic tests of the compound, local irritating test and anaphylactic test were performed on mice and guinea pigs. The results showed there was no macroscopically and microscopically direct cytotoxic injuries of the compound to the animal organs or to the cells. The LD 50 value of the compound was higher than that of the single used adriamycin, indicating that the compound was less toxic than the single adriamycin and quite safe in its therapeutic dosage. Furthermore, there was also no side effects or toxic reactions to be observed on clinical patients with advanced carcinoma or gastric cancer.
Magnetic albumin microspheres bearing adriamycin (ADM MAM) is a novel chemotherapeutic compound with site specific drug delivery characteristics. The acute and subacute toxic tests of the compound, local irritating test and anaphylactic test were performed on mice and guinea pigs. The results showed there was no macroscopically and microscopically direct cytotoxic injuries of the compound to the animal organs or to the cells. The LD 50 value of the compound was higher than that of the single used adriamycin, indicating that the compound was less toxic than the single adriamycin and quite safe in its therapeutic dosage. Furthermore, there was also no side effects or toxic reactions to be observed on clinical patients with advanced carcinoma or gastric cancer.
This project was supported by a grant from the National Key Tasks'foundation(No.96 90 6 0 116 )