Free convection heat transfer with internal sources of heat in a liquid core of the Earth by the account of magnetic forces is considered. The core of the Earth is considered as a spherical layer. For temperature the boundary conditions Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ sorts were considered. As a result of the numerical decision of a task the fields of temperature, stream function, local and average of Nusselt number are obtained.
Free convection heat transfer with internal sources of heat in a liquid core of the Earth by the account of magnetic forces is considered. The core of the Earth is considered as a spherical layer. For temperature the boundary conditions Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ sorts were considered. As a result of the numerical decision of a task the fields of temperature, stream function, local and average of Nusselt number are obtained.
TheworkisexecutedatsupportFCP″Integration″,projectN 0 56 0 +K 0 92 8