当西部人站在世纪交替的历史关头,当中央拉开西部大开发战略序幕的时候, 中美就加入WTO达成了协议,我国经过十多年不懈的努力"入世"已为期不远。这对于西部,既是发展的良机,又是巨大的挑战。许多人都在想:加入WTO,对西部意味着什么? WTO的基本目标是建立一个完整的、更有活力和持久的多边贸易体系。加入WTO,是中国经济进一步走向世界,参与国际经济大分工,促进经济贸易的客观需要,将有利于实现中国经济与国际接轨。
WTO entry means that the markets will be further open and the enterprises in various industries will more directly have competitions with overseas rivals. It will impose obvious stimulation on the operations of all enterprises and the commercial trade in this region. In this case, West China has to upgrade technical equipment in various industries, enhance the level of science, technology and education and give full scope to the advantages of its rich natural resources so as to gain a firm position in the domestic and foreign market.
Western China