自古以来,古蜀国邈远的历史,云遮雾障,扑朔迷离,以至唐代大诗人李白发出如此喟叹:『蚕丛及鱼凫,开国何茫然。尔来四万八千岁,不与秦塞通人烟……』古蜀历史似乎已如烟尘消散,杳不可知。 1986年7月至9月,四川广汉市三星堆陆续发现两个大型祭祀坑,出土旷世珍贵文物上千件,这批文物精美绝伦,
In 1986, two large sacrificial pits were discovered in Sanxingdui of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. The following excavation yielded a great number of elegant cultural relics, among which the giant bronze statue, bronze spirit tree, gold sceptre, jade and marble articles were rare treasures never seen before. Archaeologists consider that the discovery of Sanxingdui Ruins filled in some important gaps in the bronze art and culture history of China.
Western China