一个冬日的下午,天正下着小雨,我如约来到了成都玉林西路6号大院。我轻按2单元1号的门铃,门开了,一位外国女士笑吟吟地站在我面前,高高的个子,卷曲的棕色长发下藏着一双热情友善的眼睛。 "我一直在等你呢!"她的普通话讲得很不错,我身上的寒意立刻被融化掉了。
Ms. Ding Siaoxiong (her German name: Ursula Dieter) from Germany works in the Chengdu Representative Office of Alpha Communities Co. Ltd., Germany. The company is a nonprofit charitable organization that helps the poverty-stricken areas to develop educational undertaking. Up to now, it has provided financial support to 28 drop-outs of 7 schools and 20 children of 2 preschool classes in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Ms. Ding earnestly hopes that more people would join with her in providing help for children so that they can be able to receive education.
Western China