
ANew Framework for Intranet based Group Decision Support System

ANew Framework for Intranet based Group Decision Support System
摘要 The burgeoning Intranet is becoming a standard platform for the new generation of IS (Information System) applications.This paper gives a brief survey of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) . Then theinfluence ofIntraneton GDSSandlimitationsofIntranetas a platform for GDSSare analyzed.Anew frameworkfor Intranet based GDSSis proposed, which extendsthe two tier browser/server architecture to multileveldistributed application architecture.Abrokerleveland a middle applicationlevelare added,with a GDSSinterface embedded inthe web browser.The coterminoustwolevelsinthe new framework stillcomply withthetraditionalclient/server architecture .ThisframeworkforIntranet based GDSSis called asextended GDSS(xGDSS,inshort) .Features of xGDSSinclude cost effective,shortdevelopmentcycle ,open,flexible configuration,general purpose,etc. The burgeoning Intranet is becoming a standard platform for the new generation of IS (Information System) applications.This paper gives a brief survey of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) . Then theinfluence ofIntraneton GDSSandlimitationsofIntranetas a platform for GDSSare analyzed.Anew frameworkfor Intranet based GDSSis proposed, which extendsthe two tier browser/server architecture to multileveldistributed application architecture.Abrokerleveland a middle applicationlevelare added,with a GDSSinterface embedded inthe web browser.The coterminoustwolevelsinthe new framework stillcomply withthetraditionalclient/server architecture .ThisframeworkforIntranet based GDSSis called asextended GDSS(xGDSS,inshort) .Features of xGDSSinclude cost effective,shortdevelopmentcycle ,open,flexible configuration,general purpose,etc.
出处 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS 1999年第4期1606-1609,共4页 清华大学学报(自然科学版(英文版)
关键词 group decision supportsystem INTRANET FRAMEWORK group decision supportsystem Intranet framework
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