Based on Kohler’s ternary solution model and Miedemaa’s model for calculating the heats of formation-△Hij of binary Systems, the integral equation has ben established for calculating the activity coefficients in ternarysolution. With the equation, the activity coefficients in Ti-15-3 melt have been calculated. The results show that allof components’ activity coefficients are less than 1, in other wolds, compared with ideal solution, all components takeon a negative deviation. At 2000K, the activity coefficients in Ti-15-3 melt are shown as: about 0.9 for Ti, about0.85 for V, about 0. 1 for Al, aboaut 0.5 for Cr and about 0.23 for Sn. me addition of V lowers the activity coefficient of Ti, but raise the ones of Al, Cr and Sn. These results can be directly used to calculate the evaporation loss ofAl, Cr and Sn during the ISM(Induction Skull Melting) process and at the same time estimate the reactivity betweenTi-15-3 melt and refractory during the cast production.
Based on Kohler's ternary solution model and Miedemaa's model for calculating the heats of formation-△Hij of binary Systems, the integral equation has ben established for calculating the activity coefficients in ternarysolution. With the equation, the activity coefficients in Ti-15-3 melt have been calculated. The results show that allof components' activity coefficients are less than 1, in other wolds, compared with ideal solution, all components takeon a negative deviation. At 2000K, the activity coefficients in Ti-15-3 melt are shown as: about 0.9 for Ti, about0.85 for V, about 0. 1 for Al, aboaut 0.5 for Cr and about 0.23 for Sn. me addition of V lowers the activity coefficient of Ti, but raise the ones of Al, Cr and Sn. These results can be directly used to calculate the evaporation loss ofAl, Cr and Sn during the ISM(Induction Skull Melting) process and at the same time estimate the reactivity betweenTi-15-3 melt and refractory during the cast production.