Professor Xu Qixian,a native of Fufeng County,Shaanxi Province, was born Jn 1934 and graduated from International Politics Depart- menl of China People's University in 1996.He worked in Propaganda Department of Beijing Municipal Party's Committee from 1970 to 1978.Later,he came back 1o China People's University,successively holding the post of deputy director of Ethics Teaching & Resarch Section at Philosophy Department,deputy director of Ethics Education Research Institute and vice president of Maxism Theory Teachers Training College.Now he is the doctors' tutor and professor at Max- ism Theory Teachers Training College of China People's University, vice chairman of China Ethics Society,chairman of BeJjing Municipal Ethics Society,member of China National Middle School and Primary School Teaching Materials Examination.and Approval Committee, standing director of China Youth Research Association,guest re- searcher of Beijing Municipal Party's Committee Policy Research Section,etc. Since 1960,Professor Xu Qixian has been engaged in the teaching and research of ethics and published more than 200 pieces of aca- demic papar.In the past few years,he has been invited to attend several international academic discussions such as Sino-Japan Prat- ical Ethics Seminar,Sino-Japan Round-Pacific Civilization Seminar, China-Japan-Korea Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism Ethics Thoughts Symposium,etc.Four academic theses have been pub- lished in Japanese and Korean magazines.