Objectives: Analysis the factors suffering from malaria, make the healthcare works better for labors abroad who is going to area where incidence of malaria is very high.
Method: Collect the clinical data of labors returning from Mali, makes a retrospective epidemiological investigation on malaria.
Results: Among 14 labors abroad, 13 persons suffered from malaria, or had several relapse and burning again in Mali. The symptoms were generally same, and disappeared after treatment of 4 - 8 days. All 14 cases had history bitten by mesquites, the incubation period ranged from 12-35 days.
Discussion: Adverse working circumstances and high mosquito density in Mali was the first cause of malaria, and bad self - protection was the second cause. Health education and consulting service and follow-up surveillance after returning to China for international travelers should be strengthened in order to enhance the self- protection awareness of persons going abroad for labor services, and prevent the spreading of the disease.
malaria labor several relapse burnig again