Objectives: In order to know more about diarrhea cases occurring among elder international travelers, the author traveled to Thailand with the tour party, consisting of 93 elder travelers, called 'Happy old people traveling around the world' for the follow - up investigation aiming to take a preventive measure against diarrhea occurring among the elder travelers.
Methods: These 93 elder international travelers from Tianjin and Beijing were the subjects. Epidemiological method was used to investigate individual case.
Results: Among 93 travelers, 37 male and 56 female. The eldest was 80 years old, the youngest was 56 years old, average age was 65 years old. 48 travelers had diarrhea at different degree, which took up 51.16% at the total, they received treatment in time by its manifestation and symptom.
Discussion: Unadaptability of environment or climate, food contamination and exhaust in traveling may cause diarrhea during travel. Having consultation before traveling, preparation for common drugs, self-protection in traveling and visiting doctors after traveling should be noted.
international travel elder person diarrhea