In the practical magneto opticaldisk productionline,alloysputteringtargetisalwaysusedtosputter recording film , whileinlaid targetisrarely used .In ourlaboratory,a seriesof al loy targets forsputtering magneto- optical recording film were prepared and theeffect ofcomposition andsputtering parameterson magneto opticalpropertiesarestudied . Thesputter ing rateof Al,Siand Tb Fe Co( Mo) undertheconditionsof differentsputtering powerandN2 Argasflux weredetermined and baseontheresults,a variablecomposition andthickness of SiNcan beobtained by meansof regulating sputtering power and gasflux, kindsof Mosputtering filmsareobtained under differentsputtering power and gasflux, and Kerrloop lineofthese magneto opticalfilmsare measuredto acquiretheir propertiessuch as Kerrrota tion,then ,theeffectofsputteringtechnology on Kerrrotationisdiscussed .
In the practical magneto opticaldisk productionline,alloysputteringtargetisalwaysusedtosputter recording film , whileinlaid targetisrarely used .In ourlaboratory,a seriesof al loy targets forsputtering magneto- optical recording film were prepared and theeffect ofcomposition andsputtering parameterson magneto opticalpropertiesarestudied . Thesputter ing rateof Al,Siand Tb Fe Co( Mo) undertheconditionsof differentsputtering powerandN2 Argasflux weredetermined and baseontheresults,a variablecomposition andthickness of SiNcan beobtained by meansof regulating sputtering power and gasflux, kindsof Mosputtering filmsareobtained under differentsputtering power and gasflux, and Kerrloop lineofthese magneto opticalfilmsare measuredto acquiretheir propertiessuch as Kerrrota tion,then ,theeffectofsputteringtechnology on Kerrrotationisdiscussed .