Pressure garments constructed with elastic fabric play an important role in burn rehabilitation by helping to prevent or reduce the formation of hypertrophic scars. For clinical effectiveness, these garments are made in appropriate size for individual patient in order to provide an appropriate amount of skin-and-garment interface pressure on the patient.The seam area of pressure garments has marked impact on the comfort and durability of the pressure garments.Comments from the patients and occupational therapists have indicated that discomfort arose in the seam zone.Line marks appeared on the skin of patients under the seamed areas of pressure garments. This may be caused by uneven or Iocalised interface pressure at the seamed area. In this paper, the changes of interface pressure between the seamed and unseamed areas were investigated. The aim is to provide an understanding of the effect of seams on the interface pressure in order to assist the therapists and/or garment makers to choose an appropriate
Pressure garments constructed with elastic fabric play an important role in burn rehabilitation by helping to prevent or reduce the formation of hypertrophic scars. For clinical effectiveness, these garments arc made in appropriate size for individual patient in order to provide an appropriate amount of skin - and - garment interface pressure on the patient.The seam area of pressure garments has marked impact on the comfort and durability of the pressure garments. Comments from the patients and occupational therapists have indicated that discomfort arose in the scam zone. Line marks appeared on the skin of patients under the seamed areas of pressure garments. This may be caused by uneven or localised interface pressure at the seamed area. In this paper, the changes of interface pressure between the seamed and unseamed areas were investigated. The aim is to provide nn understanding of the effect of scams on the interface pressure in order to assist the therapists and/or garment makers to choose an appropriate scam in the design and making-up of pressure garments.