本文转写并翻译这件敕谕,作满汉专名对照表,把满洲文敕谕跟汉 文《清实录》所收之本作简单比较,以及以满汉文本来说明当日清朝眼目中额尔 德尼与那尔巴图是祖孙关系。
This raticle transcribes and translates the imperial edict and works out a proper noun contrast chart in Manchu and Chinese, conducting a simple comparison of the imperial edict in Manchu and that as compiled into the Qingshilu in Chinese and proposing,through the comparison of the Manchu and Chinese versions, that in the eyes of the Qing Dynasty the relationship between Erdene and narbatu is that of the Grandfather and grandson.
Manchu Studies