
一种适用于扫描探针显微镜的符合扫描模式 被引量:1

A newly developed coincidence scanning mode appropriate to SPM
摘要 扫描模式问题是长期困扰包括扫描隧道显微镜( S T M) ,原子力显微镜( A F M) 在内的扫描探针显微镜( S P M) 测量精度和速度的关键问题。理论与实验均表明:“符合扫描”消除了原有扫描模式带来的测量误差。这种模式还使测量速度提高了约70 % ,不仅可以使现在的观察型 S T M 的性能得到提高,而更重要的是对 S P M 从观察型向计量型的转变在扫描模式方面提供了保障。 Scanning mode has been a technical puzzle for the improvement of measurement accuracy and rate of SPM,including STM and AFM,for a long time. It is shown on theory and experiment that a newly developed cioncidence scanning mode can avoid measuring error caused by present scanning modes, and reduce the scanning time up to 70%. It can be used to improve the quality of image of STM. It is very significant not only to change SPM from observing one to metrology one, but also to recognize atoms accurately and speedily.
作者 傅星 胡小唐
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期195-197,共3页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
基金 天津市重点基金
关键词 扫描隧道显微镜 原子力显微镜 扫描探针显微镜 扫描模式 “符合扫描” scanning tunneling microscope,atomic force microscope,scanning probe microscope,scanning mode,“the coincidence scanning”
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