统一合同法第六十七条规定了一种该法颁布前理论上涉及不多的双务合同履行抗辩权制度。随着这一新的履行抗辩制度在立法上获得表现,我们不能忽视它在合同理论中应有的位置。要对这一条款进行理论探讨, 可从它的种类归属、理论基础和一般条款等三方面展开: (1) 第六十七条在种类归属上应归结为后履行抗辩权, 它是合同履行抗辩权在理论上的第三种表现;(2)英美合同法上的“推定的交换条件”理论, 为第六十七条规定后履行抗辩权提供了理论基础; (3) 被西方民法学界誉为“帝王规则”的诚信原则, 是构成后履行抗辩权法源的一般条款。
Clause 67 of China's Uniform Contract Law provides a kind of system of right of exception against carrying a contract which has not ever been touched on theoretically. In pace with its manifestation in legislation, the role of this new system should not be ignored in the theory of contract. As to the theoretical study of Clause 67, it should spread out around such questions as its classification, theoretical basis and general article. In the author's point of view, Clause 67 is destined to be classified to right of exception against follow up performance by the other party, takes the basis of the theory of “constructive conditions of exchange” in Anglo American law of contract, and takes the doctrine of good faith as its general article, which has a high reputation as“King Rule”in western world.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute
Law of Contracts
right of exception against carrying a contract
right of exception against follow up performance by the other party