SO Man-yee started to learn Western painting in1971. In 1973 she graduated from the Linhai ArtSchool in Hong Kong after spending three yearsstudying commercial design. After leaving the schoolshe started work with advertisement agencies. Thatexperience prepared her for further development inthe design field. So founded her own design company in 1976 withher friend Han Binhua. Apart from this project, So isalso involved in art education. So is a member of theboard of the Hong Kong Zhengxing Design School,executive member of the Association of Designers inHong Kong, member of the board of Hong KongArtists, chief director of the board of Hong Kong’sKinggraphic Co. Ltd., and also chairperson of theHong Kong Women Painters Association. A famous watercolorist in Hong Kong, So has heldseveral eye-catching exhibitions there. Her exhibitionsinclude the one-woman show entitled "So Man-yee’sRhythm of Watercolors" held in 1987 at the HongKong Art Center. In 1996 a grand exhibition of HongKong artists hosted by