The discharge capacities for Ni-MH batteries with different electrode constitutions were analyzed by chemical pattern recognition method, and some criteria for improving synthetical discharge properties were obtained. The results show that the thicknesses of positive and negative electrode are significant in influencing the discharge capacities at both of low and high discharge current, the influence of resistance of positive electrode on discharge capacity is less significant compared with other factors in electrode constitution and the effect of electrolyte on discharge capacity at low discharge current is more significant than that at high discharge current. (Edited author abstract) 11 Refs.
The discharge capacities for Ni-MH batteries with different electrode constitutions were analyzed by chemical pattern recognition method, and some criteria for improving synthetical discharge properties were obtained. The results show that the thicknesses of positive and negative electrode are significant in influencing the discharge capacities at both of low and high discharge current, the influence of resistance of positive electrode on discharge capacity is less significant compared with other factors in electrode constitution and the effect of electrolyte on discharge capacity at low discharge current is more significant than that at high discharge current. (Edited author abstract) 11 Refs.