目的:观察滚压泵在长时间转流中是否存在“总红细胞破损”现象.方法:用Polystan泵(A组)和COBE泵(B组)作5对16小时血400ml转流. 用联苯胺测定FHb,用Koller氏法计算溶血指数.血样本取自转前和转中4、6、8、10、12、14、16小时血液.扫描电镜样本取自转前和转中4、8、12、16小时血液.结果:两组FHb随转流时间延长逐渐增高.两组溶血指数分别为02960mg/L和0.3993mg/L,无显著差异.电镜显示,转流中棘球红细胞逐渐增多.结论:在滚压泵长时间离体转流实验中未观察到“总红细胞破损”现象.
Purpose: Whether the phenomenon of total erythrocyte destruction existing in long term pumping by roller pump was studied in vitro. Method: The Polystan pump(Gruop A) and COBE pump(Group B) were performed 16 hours with stored blood for 5 times in vitro respectively. Free hemoglobin(FHb) in blood sample was examinated before pumping and every two hoursduring 16 hour pumping, and the hemolysis index was calculated by Koller's formula. The morphological alterations of erythrocytes in each blood sample adapted as above mentioned were observed by scanning electron microscope. Result:FHb level and acanthocyte were increased gradually during pumping in the two groups. But the differences between two groups were not significant. Conclusion: To avoid of the damage of blood constituents is one of the major topics in the research of artificial blood pump. Thus it is important to observe the erythrocyte damage during pumping for evaluating type of blood pump. In this study there was no total erythrocyte destruction during pumping with roller pump.
Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
Cardiopulmonary bypass Blood pump Roller pump