To investigate the effect of HP on the gastric acid secreation in peptic ulcer (PU) associated with helicobacter pylori (HP). Methods: H.Pylori status was determinated by urease and histology. Endoscopy:Pentagastrin gastric juice analysis and concentration fasting blood gastrin (GAS) were measured before and after treatment in l9 cases of peptic ulcer with HP infection,10 of peptic ulcer patients without were studied as control. Conclusion: The concentration of GAS,basal acid output (BAO), maximal acid output (MAO) and peak acid output (PAO) in PU with HP infection was all significantly hlgher than that without HP infection. They decreased obviously after HP clearance. In PU without HP,the concentration was found no difference between before and after treatment.Although the BAO,MAO and PAO were higher than those of normal persons and decreased after treatment,the change was not significantly more than that of the HP positive group. It's suggested that HP infection induced increase of gastric acid secreation and concentration of GAS.It may be one of pathogenesis PU associated wit HP.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College