

Correlative Factor Investigation of Epidemiology on 2327 Cases of Child Inpatients
摘要 为了解小儿住院病人的相关流行病学因素,对青岛市市立医院近三年2327例小儿住院病例进行了调查,发现共有462个病种,其中病例数在5例以下者占84.8%.新生儿、婴儿、幼儿组均以呼吸系统疾病最多,学龄前儿童组以腹股沟疝最多,学龄儿童组以阑尾炎所占比例最高.按系统前三位疾病分别为呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病和先天异常.27例死亡患儿中,新生儿占63.0%,主要死因为新生儿肺炎、早产儿等.认为患儿的不同年龄组、不同系统其疾病各不相同,应采取相应防治措施,以降低小儿的发病率及死亡事. To know the correlative epidemiolog- ic faCtors of child inpatients. Method A epidemiologic survey.Results There were 462 kinds Resillness,84.6% of which had undder 5 cases.In the groupofthe new-born,the baby and the child,the most ill-ness were of respiratory system; In the group ofoup ofpreschool child,the most illness was inguinal hernia; In the group of school-age child,tha most illnesswas appendicitis. The first three kinds of illnesswere of respiratory system, digestive system andcongenital abnormality. Among the 27 cases Of deadchildren,the new-borns occupied 63.0%,the majorcourse of death were neonatal pneumonia and premature delivery. Conclusion It suggests to take measures of prevention and treatment to reduce the sickness rate and death rate of the chidren.
出处 《中国民康医学》 1998年第2期72-74,126-127,共5页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
关键词 小儿疾病 流行病学 child illness epidemiology
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