1目的 评价心肌断层显像和三维显像的临床价值。 2方法 对 13例正常人和 2 6例心肌病变的病人进行了 SPECT心肌断层显像和三维显像 ,并对两种方法进行了比较。 3结果 心肌断层显像检出病变 44个节段 ,占心肌总节段的 2 8.2 % (4 4/15 6 ) ;心脏三维显像检出病变 6 9个节段 ,占心肌总节段的 44 .2 % (6 9/15 6 ) ,二者之间比较 ,差异有显著性 (u=3.33,P<0 .0 1)。 4结论 心脏三维显像能直观、多角度地立体显示心肌表面结构和病变 ,较断层显像定位更准确。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of m yocardium tomography and three dim ensional imaging. Methods 13 normal subjects and 2 6 m yocardial disease patients were studied with SPECT myocardium tomography and three dimensional(3D) imaging. Results The results revealed that44(2 8.2 % ) and6 9(44 .2 % ) damaged myocardial segments were checked outby myocardium tomography and 3D imaging respectively among 15 6 segments. The difference betwen the two m ethods was singnifcant(u=3.33,P<0 .0 1) . Conclusion Myocardial volum e display can demonstrate the involved myocardium and reveal more damaged segem ents of m yocardium more than that of tom ography.
Medical Journal of Qilu