小肠结肠耶氏菌能引起人类腹泻、关节炎、阑尾炎和败血症等疾病。常见的致病性耶氏菌为0:3、0:9血清型,而0:22血清型被视为非致病型。该文用聚合酶链反应、DNA序列分析、随机扩增多态性DNA及刚果红致病性试验对其致病性进行探讨。 1,材料和方法 1.1菌株:购于中国菌种保存中心,0:22血清型3株,菌号52229;0:3血清型3株,菌号52301;
Yersinia enterocolitica can cause diarrhea dis-
eases, arthritis, appendicitis, and sepsis in human be-
ing. The major pathogenic serotype is 0:3, 0:9 bio-
type, while 0:22 has been regarded as nonpathogenic
The methods Polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), DNA sequence analysis, randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Congo red test were
used to study the pathology of 0:22 serotype for the
benefit of its provention.
1 Bacteria strains: 3 strains 0:22, No. 52229, 3
strains 0:3, No. 52301, 2 strains 0:9, No. 52302,
obtained from National Institute for the control of
Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Beijing.
2 PCR: Primers was designed from ail gene seg-
ment and PCR amplified as the report.
3 DNA sequence analysis: the products of PCR
were pured with Clontech Co. USA PCR pure kit.
The DNA segments were analyzed with PE Co. USA
Genetic Analyzer.
4 Congo red test: finished according to the re-
3 strains 0:22, 3 strains 0:3 and 2 strains 0:9,
were amplified by PCR, produced 359bp DNA seg-
Analysis of DNA sequence: 359bp PCR products
of 0: 22 strain and 0: 3 were in general same.
RAPD: 0: 22, 0: 3 and 0: 9 strains fingerprints
were different from each other, while they had a same
size major band.
Congo red test: a few colon were positive with
turning red.
The major pathogenic serotype has been 0: 3 and
0: 9 strains, while 0: 22 has been regarded non-
pathogenic. This result showed that 0: 22 strains had
pathogenic ail gene as 0: 3, which were confirmed by
analysis of DNA, and same colon were positive with
Congo red test and were consistent with the report.
RAPD fingerprints showed that there were similar in-
heritance characteristics. The results showed that
yersinia enteroclitica 0: 22 serotype not only has the
pathogenic ail gene but also can express in some cases.
It was reported that 0: 22 strain was obtained from
sewage. Thus, we should paid attention to 0: 22
Infectious Disease Information