目的 观察抗痨药加母牛分支杆菌菌苗 (微卡 )的疗效。方法 两组各 4 5例 ,均为初治肺结核 ,两组的抗痨药物相同 ,治疗组加用微卡菌苗 2 2 .5μg肌注 ,每两周用药一次 ,疗程为三个月。对照组单用抗痨药物。结果 治疗组痰菌阴转 86 .7% ,较对照组 6 8.9%有显著差异 ,T淋巴细胞亚群测定明显优于对照组。结论 微卡菌苗能改善初治肺结核患者的细胞免疫功能 ,加快痰菌阴转 ,缩短疗程 。
Objective To examine the both antituberculosis brugs and Mycobacterium Vaccae Vaccine(M.Vaccae Vaccine).Methods There were 90 cases with mutiple initially treated pulmonary tuberculosis,45 in the treatment group and 45 in the control group.The two groups were similar in demogrsphics.The treatment groups ere trated by 22.5ug M.Vaccae Vaccine with muscle injection once every other week for a total of three months.The patient in the control grup were treated by the chemtherapy only. Results Sputum bacillus negative rates in the treatment group and in the control group were 86.7% and 68.9%,respectively.Both sputum bacillus negative rates in the treatment group were significantly better than those in the control group.Conclusion Immunotherapy with M.Vaccae Vaccine is helpful for patient with initially treated pulmonary tuberculosis and it is possible to futher shorten the duration of short course chemotherapy.The antituberculosis combined with M.Vaccae Vaccine has little side effects.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
Tuberculosis Pulmonary Mycobacterim Vaccae Vaccine Immunotherapy