Import of Liquefied Gas Increased by 30% in the First Half of 1998
Import of Liquefied Gas Increased by 30% in the First Half of 1998
1CNOOC and BG Sign LNG Contract[J].China Chemical Reporter,2010(8):10-10.
2Anqing Petrochemical Conducts Intermediate Handing-over on Gas Fractionation Unit[J].China Chemical Reporter,2008(14):11-11.
3China Likely to Stop Production of Liquefied Coal[J].China Oil & Gas,2007,14(2):20-20.
4Xia Lei,ASIACHEM Consulting.DME Capacity Expands Rapidly,High Cost Narrows Profit[J].China Chemical Reporter,2008(30):11-13.
5PetroChina and ExxonMobil Ink Gorgon Purchase Agreement[J].China Chemical Reporter,2009(24):11-11.
6Sinopec to Launch LNG Project in Shandong[J].China Oil & Gas,2004,11(2):26-26.
7CNOOC Starts Building Zhuhai LNG Terminal[J].China Chemical Reporter,2010(21):13-13.
8China Boosts Offshore Gas Development[J].China Chemical Reporter,2009(12):11-11.
9Accident in Jiangsu LNG Terminal Killed Eight[J].China Chemical Reporter,2009(18):15-15.
10Zhou Houyun Ge Xiaojun,CNCIC Chemical HSE Registration Affairs Department.Registrations for Chemicals Exported to China[J].China Chemical Reporter,2008(8):15-15.