28 days following infection of cercaria of Schistosoma japonicum, the number of atrial specific granules (ASG) in the right auricle of mice was decreased significantly and in some of the granules, the phenomenon of dissolving and breaking of membrane, half moon like excluding, closing and merging of ASG and the membrane of the transverse tube and sarcolemma in the heart muscle cells and protruding of ASG towards the lumen of the transverse tube and sarcolemma were often observed. Many mitochondria in the heart muscle cells showed swelling, shallowing of matrix and breaking of parts of the cristae. The ASG volume density (0 0323±0 029μm 3/μm 3), numerical density on area (0 8647±0 0692μm -2 ), numerical density (3 2363±0 1114μm -3 and mean diameter (0 2671±0 0207μm) in the tested group were respectively less than those (0 0971±0 0127μm 3/μm 3,1 921±0 1145μm -2 ,6 2189±0 0866μm -3 ,0 3108±0 0195μm) in the control group. The relationship between ASG and the Schistosoma japonicum infection was briefly discussed.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry