
Crystal Structure of Di[bis(diphenylphosphino)propane]Copper(Ⅰ) Perchlorate Complex

Crystal Structure of Di[bis(diphenylphosphino)propane]Copper(I) Perchlorate Complex
摘要 The complex [Cu (dppp)2] (ClO4) was prepared by the reaction ofcopper (Ⅱ) perchlorate wlth bis(diphenylphosphino) propane (dppp) in methanol, andits crystal structure was determlned by X-ray crystallography. The crystal is monoclin-ic, space group P1, M. = 1019. 90 with cell parameters a = 11. 951 (6), b = 12. 178(4), c=18. 413(5) A, α=70. 52(3), β=83. 56(4), γ=77. 61 (4), V=2465. 2 A3,Z = 2, Dc = 1. 371 g/cm3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined byblock-diagonal and full-matrix least-squares methods to a final R of 0. 043 for 4085 in-dependent reflections of I>3σ(I). In this complex [Cu (dppp)2] (ClO4), dppp func-tions as a bidentate chelate ligand. The four P atoms from two dppp are coordinated tothe tetrahedral copper (P4). The complex [Cu (dppp)2] (ClO4) was prepared by the reaction ofcopper (Ⅱ) perchlorate wlth bis(diphenylphosphino) propane (dppp) in methanol, andits crystal structure was determlned by X-ray crystallography. The crystal is monoclin-ic, space group P1, M. = 1019. 90 with cell parameters a = 11. 951 (6), b = 12. 178(4), c=18. 413(5) A, α=70. 52(3), β=83. 56(4), γ=77. 61 (4), V=2465. 2 A3,Z = 2, Dc = 1. 371 g/cm3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined byblock-diagonal and full-matrix least-squares methods to a final R of 0. 043 for 4085 in-dependent reflections of I>3σ(I). In this complex [Cu (dppp)2] (ClO4), dppp func-tions as a bidentate chelate ligand. The four P atoms from two dppp are coordinated tothe tetrahedral copper (P4).
出处 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第4期293-297,共5页 结构化学(英文)
关键词 copper(Ⅰ) complex crystal structure conductivity copper(Ⅰ) complex, crystal structure, conductivity
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