The isomers of C60, C59X1 and C58X2 (X=B, N, P), 73 molecules in all, have,by means ofCNDO/2 method, been computed on a 586 micro-computer. C58B2(1, 9) and C58N2 (1, 9) arerespectively the most stable of all the 23 positional isomers of C58B, and C58N2, But as for C58P2,Cs8p2(1, 2) is the most stable. C59X1 and C58X2 (X=B, N, P) are less stable than C60 and theyare more easily oxidized or reduced than C60. In the molecules of C59X1 and C58X2, the electronicdensities of the C atoms seperated from the heteroatom by one, two or three bonds evidently increase or decrease, thus facilitating their electro-philic or nucleophilic reactivity, the tensities ofthe bonds near the heteroatoms become stronger or weaker, for the Wiberg orders of the bondsare greater or less than those in C60