用石家琛森林生产潜力计算公式和 Lieth 法估算江西森林气候生产潜力,全省平均最大的森林气候生产潜力为44m^3/hm^2·年。又根据最低因子律,把 NPP_N 值作为林地生产潜力,全省平均达1.96×10~4kg/hm^2·年, 杉木达28m^3/hm^2·年,马尾松达21m^3/hm^2·年。森林气候生产潜力分布趋势是由北向南递增,由平原向山区递增。而现实林分生产力仅3.23m^3/hm^2·年,为气候生产潜力 NPP_N 的11.5%,可见,林业生产潜力很大。
In this paper,the forest potential productivity of climate(FPPC)in Jangxi is estimated with the formula of Shi jiazheng and the method of Lieth.It shows that the maximum of arerage FPPC is 44m^3/hm^2 per year The arerage FPPC in Jiangxi is 1.96×10~4kg/hm^2 per year when considering Nppn as the Potential productivity of forert land,in which Chinese fir is 28m^3/hm^2 per year while Manson pine is 21m^3/hm^2 per year according to the law of'minimum factors'.The FPPC increases from the North to the Sowth,from plain to hill,which is a typical trend.Howerer,in reality,the potential productivity is only 3.23m^3/hm^2 per year, accounting to 11.5% of the NPPN.So,the patentiad productivity is very large.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis