本文报道了22只正常蟾蜍(♀12只,♂10只)外周血液的正常血象值。其血红蛋白含量7.65—9.20 g/100mL,红细胞数4.742×10~6—7.108×10~6个/mm^3,红细胞直径12.20×22.30μm。红细胞渗逶脆性最大抵抗0.20%—0.25%NaCl,最小抵抗0.35%—0.40%NaCl,血液沉降率2.75mm/h,白细胞总数3181.2—4478.8个/mm^3,嗜中性白细胞28.34%—36.36%,淋巴细胞28.76%—39.94%,单核细胞1.0%—3.5%,嗜碱性粒细胞27.18%—29.42%,嗜酸性粒细胞0.86%—4.64%,血栓细胞1350.7—2013.1个/mm^3。血常规值雌雄之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。嗜碱性粒细胞比例大是其最突出的特点,血细胞个体大、红细胞有核、分裂不均等、嗜碱粒细胞胞质颗粒粗、着色深的特征也明显。
This paper reported the blood appearance of 22 normal toads. The results are as follow; the Hb concentration of the peripheral blood was 7. 65 - 9. 20 g/100mL. The ery-throcyte counting was 4. 742×106 -7. 10x106/mm3. The diameter of erthrocyte was 12. 20×22. 30 um. The highest resistance to natrii chloridum of erthrocyte was 25%, and its lowest resistance was 0. 35% -0. 40%. The rate of blood cell domn was 2. 75 mm/h. The WBC counting was 3 181.2-4 478. 8/mm3. Neutrophil was 28. 34% -36. 36%, lymphocyte was 28. 76%-39. 94%, monocyte was 1.0%-3. 5%, basophil was 27. 18% -29. 42%, and cosinophil was 0. 86%-4. 64%. The difference of blood cell counting between male and female toad was not remarkable (P>0. 05). The advantage of toad blood more basophil, and its erythrophil was bigger than other animal's and had core, the granul in basophil was bigger.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University:Social Science Edition
Toad, Blood appearance