With the cvolution of various high powerr-density machines, it beeomes important to optimize the power potential of machines of vastly different topologies with a variety of waveforms of back emf and current. The approach of tins paper is based oil the gencral-purpose sizing equations. which permit the optinlization method of machine power density to be applied to the axial-flux toroidal permanent-magnet (AFTPM) machine, and,furthermore, the power-production capabilities of the AFTPM machinc and the wen-known squirrel-cage indution machine are compared.
With the cvolution of various high powerr-density machines, it beeomes important to optimize the power potential of machines of vastly different topologies with a variety of waveforms of back emf and current. The approach of tins paper is based oil the gencral-purpose sizing equations. which permit the optinlization method of machine power density to be applied to the axial-flux toroidal permanent-magnet (AFTPM) machine, and,furthermore, the power-production capabilities of the AFTPM machinc and the wen-known squirrel-cage indution machine are compared.