
宏伟的目标 壮丽的远景 2010年时重庆的新面貌

Chongqing"s Goals in the year of 2010
摘要 再过3年,到公元2000年;再过13年,到公元2010年,重庆这个直辖市将是什么样的面貌?可以从重庆第一届人代会批准的"九五"中长期计划和十五年远景目标中寻找答案。《重庆市国民经济和社会发展第九个五年规划和2010年远景目标纲要》中规定,到2010年时,把重庆建设成为长江上游和西南地区的经济中心,形成长江上游新兴产业群。全市国内生产总值比1995年翻两翻,综合经济实力达到全国省市中等偏上水平,做到城乡人民生活富裕文明,从而实现江泽民总书记要求的" What will Chongqing look like in the year of 2010? Answers are given by the ninth 'five-year plan'and the'fifteen-year programme', where were passed by Chongqing's first People's Congress. The outline of the plan and the programme stipulates that in 2010, Chongqing will be turned into the economic centre with a new industrial complex in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River and in Southwest China. Then its total output value will quadruple that of 1995.It will be ranked a little above average when compared with provinces and other municipalities in comprehensive economic strength.People in both urban and rural areas will be well-off.Eventually General Secretary Jiang Aeming's Zemand that Chongqing be turned into the economic centre of the upper reaches of changjiang will be fully realized. The outline stipulates that in order to carry out the ninth 'five-year' plan, obvious progress will be made in the first year and remarkable achievements will be made in the fifth year. Infrastructure of national eronomy will be strengthened.This involves coustouction of water conservancy works,transportation systems,post and telecommunication facilities,and energy supplies. Stratigic adjustment of industrial structure will be performed.This means Strenthening of the prime industry, optimization of secondary industry and development of tertiary industry. The outline also stipilalates the present missions and futune goat in foreign trade and drawing foreign funds.
出处 《重庆与世界》 1997年第4期12-16,共5页 The World & Chongqing
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