Xibe nationality was originated from northeast China,and now reside in northwest (Xinjiang province). During1764, in order to enhance the combatreadiness of the northwest border region,emperor Qianlong dispatched the Xibe troopsfrom northeast China to Yili region (northwest China). From then on,Xibe nationali-ty make greater contributions to the just straggle defending state sovereignty, to theprotccting and exploiting of northwest border region of China,as well as to the pre-serving and developing the Manchu language.This article introduced the history of how Xibe nationa1ity preserved and inhertedthe Manchu language ,sorted and modeled Manchu language, riched and developedManchu,and of firm the Xibes contri butions to Manchu.The article also intruduce Chabuchari autonomous count where Xibe nationalityreside,now it has become an international center of the studying and reachins of theManchu language.
Manchu Studies