This paper treats in particular the formation and development of the principle of self-organization of matter in its totality (called philosophical total principle for short)put forward by Engels in remoulding German classical philosophy. This principle has been greatly developed in modern times. From the entological point of view, the nuclear universe has revealed the total mechanism of the double- way evolution of ' the universe entropy'powered by nuclear fusion, and from the point of view of the theory of knowledge, the philosophical entropy is a dynamic philosophical reflection of 'the universe entropy' in the age of information and nuclear energy. Therefore a clear understanding of the identity in and difference between Philosophical entropy and universe entropy, and of the specifically social dynamic role of philosophical entropy is sure to lead to a better understanding of the new content of the total principle of philosophy and of the value-orientation of methodology of the age. The combination of philosophical entropy and the total principle will certainly give rise to new informational. development of the total structure and method of materialism and dialectics
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
total system of universe, yniverse entropy and philosophical entropy, total priciple of philosophical entropy, informationalization of the total structure of dialectics structyre