Transient repassivation of freshly generated aluminiutn surface is monitored by using time-resolved frequency response spectroscopy. Information relating to the anodic film formation as well as the cathodic evolution of hydrogen on the metal surace is obtained as function of repassivation time and applied constant current. Pronounced effects of anodic and cathodic applied curmnts on the time-resolved impedance spectroscopy support a previous model which suggests that the low frequtncy RC time constants are due to the anodic film growth and the high Asquency one to the cathodic charpetrensfer or clectron transfer process occuwtng simultaneously on the electrode surace.
Transient repassivation of freshly generated aluminiutn surface is monitored by using time-resolved frequency response spectroscopy. Information relating to the anodic film formation as well as the cathodic evolution of hydrogen on the metal surace is obtained as function of repassivation time and applied constant current. Pronounced effects of anodic and cathodic applied curmnts on the time-resolved impedance spectroscopy support a previous model which suggests that the low frequtncy RC time constants are due to the anodic film growth and the high Asquency one to the cathodic charpetrensfer or clectron transfer process occuwtng simultaneously on the electrode surace.