A clear understanding of the structure of the S precipitates which are present in Al-Li-X alloys is verp imporiant because the S -phase decreases the localization of strainand promotes less anisotropic properties during deformation. The close structural re-lationship between the S-phase and the Al matrix and their possible intedece bound-ary strvcture are described in detail. The proposed model is in good agreement with::::rimental obserwations. The dynamics Of the phase trunWrmation and possiblermation mechani8ms for the S,-phase are alSo proposed.
A clear understanding of the structure of the S precipitates which are present in Al-Li-X alloys is verp imporiant because the S -phase decreases the localization of strainand promotes less anisotropic properties during deformation. The close structural re-lationship between the S-phase and the Al matrix and their possible intedece bound-ary strvcture are described in detail. The proposed model is in good agreement with::::rimental obserwations. The dynamics Of the phase trunWrmation and possiblermation mechani8ms for the S,-phase are alSo proposed.