A CIMOSA integrating infrastructure (IIS) provides only a set of general services and a group of execution guidelines. Therefore, in order to execute a CIMOSA model, it is necessary to develop the architecture for its execution system. An execution kernel needs to be developed. The kernel makes use of the services of CIMOSA IIS to control and coordinate the occurrences of CIMOSA model constructs. An extended color Petri net, the control and integration net(CIN), is proposed. This CIN is used to build the execution kernel for the CIMOSA model. The system architecture is given. The execution system's computational view is also presented. The CIMOSA model execution system presented here is under implementation in a production system at the Berlin Fraunhofer Institute of Production Systems and Design Technology. The system's layout and relevant components are introduced. The proposed CIN method provides a new approach for CIM system integration.
A CIMOSA integrating infrastructure (IIS) provides only a set of general services and a group of execution guidelines. Therefore, in order to execute a CIMOSA model, it is necessary to develop the architecture for its execution system. An execution kernel needs to be developed. The kernel makes use of the services of CIMOSA IIS to control and coordinate the occurrences of CIMOSA model constructs. An extended color Petri net, the control and integration net(CIN), is proposed. This CIN is used to build the execution kernel for the CIMOSA model. The system architecture is given. The execution system's computational view is also presented. The CIMOSA model execution system presented here is under implementation in a production system at the Berlin Fraunhofer Institute of Production Systems and Design Technology. The system's layout and relevant components are introduced. The proposed CIN method provides a new approach for CIM system integration.