Microcirculation of nail fold was examined in 140 cases with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus(NIDDM) and 55 health people. The result showed that the clarity and ariation of capillary loops, the velocity of blood flow in microcirculation, the red cell aggregation and the condition around capillaries had statistically difference between the patients with NIDDM and normal persons(P<0.01) Furthermore, compared with these of the cases whose durations of NIDDM were shorter than 5 years and whose microvasculars were normal, the shape of loops, the state of blood flow and the condition around microvasculars were changed significantly in the patients who had more than 5 year's course of the disease and pathological chango of microcirculation(P<0.01) After treatment for NIDDM, these parameters were improved apparently. In conclusion, the study indicated that there were obvious microcirculation abnormalities in patienis with NIDDM, and the examination of nail fold microcirculation would help discover these kinds of changes and,what was more, improving the state of microcirculation isbeneficial to preventing the pathology of microvasculars of the patients.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
Non-Insulin Independent Diabetes Mellitus