The purging impact of cytokine induced killer (CIK) cells and long term bone, marrow cul.ture (LTBMC) on chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients' Ph + cells was. investigated. First, the bone marrow mononuclear cells of CML patients were cuhured in the following different conditions : ①LTBMC only, ② LTBMC + CIK + interleukin.2 (IL-2), ③ LTBMC +: lymphokine activated killer (LAK) celis + IL - 2, ④ LTBMC + IL - 2; then the chrombsome karyotype was prepared and ana-lyzed for the percentage of Ph+ cells. The percentage of Ph+. cells treated with LTBMC + CIK + IL - 2 ( n = 8) is significantly lower than that with LTBMC only (n= 8, P< 0.001 ) ; it also is lower than, that with LTBMC + LAK + IL - 2 (n = 3 ) or LTBMC + IL - 2 (n = 3 .). The data indicate that CIK + IL - 2 could be used for purgihg of CML cells ex vivo or in adoptive immunotherapy of CML in vivo.
Journal of Experimental Hematology