This paper presents the approaches to real-time motion planning for robot application inflexible manufacturing systems(FMS).They are based on an algorithm for fast mapping ob-stacles from a workspace(W-space)into a configuration space(C-space)by defining funda-mental obstacles in W-space.To plan a collision-free path in a multiple robot system,sweptvolumes produced during master robot motion are computed as additional moving obstacleswhen a collision-free path for a slave robot is generated.For motion planning with many de-grees of freedom,several types of reactive behavior are defined to coordinate motion conflictsbetween different links.
This paper presents the approaches to real-time motion planning for robot application in flexible manufacturing systems(FMS).They are based on an algorithm for fast mapping ob- stacles from a workspace(W-space)into a configuration space(C-space)by defining funda- mental obstacles in W-space.To plan a collision-free path in a multiple robot system,swept volumes produced during master robot motion are computed as additional moving obstacles when a collision-free path for a slave robot is generated.For motion planning with many de- grees of freedom,several types of reactive behavior are defined to coordinate motion conflicts between different links.
the High Technology Research and Development Programme of China.