The BladderMeridian of Foot-Taiyang(1) The Meridian[Course] It starts from the inner can-thus, going upward to meet at the vertex.The straight portion of the meridian enters theskull from the vertex to connect with thebrain. Coming out, the meridian descends tothe nape. One branch goes down along theside of the spine reaching the lumbar region toconnect with the kidney and to enter the uri-nary bladder, its pertaining organ. Thisbranch further descends through the hip andenters the popliteal fossa. Another branchgoes downward along the medial border of thescapula and passes through the hip to meet theprevious branch at the popliteal fossa. Themeridian then goes downward along the poste-rior aspect of the leg and the lateral side of thefoot to reach the tip of the small toe.