The Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang 1.The Meridian 【Course】The meridian starts from theouter canthus and goes towards the temple re-gion.Travelling through the retroauricular re-gion,it reaches the shoulder and enters thesupraclavicular fossa. A branch,separating from the retroauric-ular region,enters the ear and comes out infront of the ear to reach the outer canthus. Another branch goes downward from theouter canthus to meet the other part of themeridian at the supraclavicular fossa. The straight portion of the meridian de-scends from the supraclavicular fossa throughthe hypochondrium and reaches the hip joint. The inner portion of the meridian passesthrough the diaphram to connect with the liverand enter the gall bladder,its pertaining or-gan.Further downward it emerges from