不久前,绵阳市乡镇企业提前两年超额完成“八五”计划的喜讯,促使我们专程前往采访了绵阳市乡镇企业管理局局长周松林。精明干练的周局长介绍说: 这几年绵阳乡镇企业的发展,主要表现在生产上规模、产值上台阶。
In the process of reform and openingup, Sichuan Province's Mianyang Municipality has achieved excellent performances in enlarging production scales and upgrading output volume and efficiency of the municipality's township enterprises. In 1995 for instance, the township enterprises sector accomplished an output volume of 33.72 billion yuan, increasing by 53% over the previous year; the sector created 1.04 billion yuan in enterprise profit and 0.53 billion yuan in tax payment to the government increaes by 27.7% and 24.3% respectively. 18 enterprises paid more than 1 million yuan of taxes. Scaled production in the forms of group companies is gradually taking shape machinery, metallurgy, silk, building material, civil construction sectors.
Western China