

Photograhers’ Notes on the Lanchangjiang-Me Khong Assignment
摘要 发源于我国青海,流经西藏、云南的澜沧江,在西双版纳中缅边境第224号界桩处出境后称为湄公河,经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南五个国家注入南中国海。它全长4880公里,是世界第六大河,也是亚洲跨国最多、跨纬度最多、几乎包容世界各种气候带的河流,素有“东方多瑙河”之称。澜沧江——湄公河流域面积达230万平方公里,人口2.25亿,具有异常丰富的水力资源、土地资源、生物资源、矿产资源和旅游资源,是一个前景十分广阔的大市场。但由于历史上多方面的原因,它却是世界级丰水河中少有的弱度开发的流域。近几年,随着我国扩大对外开放和中南半岛局势的变化,澜沧江——湄公河流域的国际经济技术开发合作正紧锣密鼓地进行。至今,流域六国已召开了10次各种会议,确立了包括交通运输、能源、环保、人力资源开发、贸易和投资、旅游及通讯七大合作领域,并商定开展77个区域开发项目。六国一致认为,开辟一条沟通中国西南和中南半岛的商路,把这两个极富活力、外延广阔的市场直接联系起来,必然促进一个相当规模的跨国经济区的发展。目前,中国政府和云南省已将这一流域的国际合作开发纳入面向21世纪的“九五”计划。为增进广大读者对澜沧江——湄公河流域的了解,本刊特邀四川电视台国际部吕齐阳先生和四川摄影家协会贾跃红先生撰稿、拍片予以介绍。本刊将以相当的版面分三期对吕文进行连载,以飨海内外读者。 riginated in China and flowing downward through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Viet Nam to join the South China Sea, the Lanchangjiang-Ménam khong is the world's 6th longest river (4,880 kilometers in length) and has the name of 'Danube in the East' for the number of Asian countries and climatic zones a river ever covers. The Lanchangjiang-Ménam Khong's drainage area of 2,300,000 km^2 (pop:225,000,000), richly endowed with such natural resources as water power, climate, land, biology, minerals and tourism, is a largest market with great potentials. The six Countries connected by the river have agreed to cooperate for economic and technological development by setting up 77 regional projects in seven fields. Before long a commercial water route will be opened to link China's Southwest and Central South Asia Peninsular, integrating two dynamic economics into a large multinational economic zone. China has listed the international cooperation in the Lanchangjiang-Ménam Khong Valley in the 'Ninth Five-Year Development Program'. China National Television CCTV, Sichuan and Yunnan Provincial Television Stations joined their efforts from November 1993 to October 1994 in covering and presenting the countries' natural sceneries, products and resources, local life and customs, religious activities, economic development and perspectives. Sichuan Television Station(SCTV) undertakes the reporting from the Lanchangjiang's origin to Yunnan's Lijiang. The SCTV's photographers then travelled abroad to the Buddhist countries of Myanmar and reported from Yangon the capital, Mandalay the ancient capital and Phugan the city of pagodas.
出处 《中国西部》 1996年第1期14-20,共7页 Western China
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