A series of domal metamorphic bodies occur in Danba in the east ofSongpan -Garze orogenic belt in the western margin of the Yangtze platform.Recent study shows that these metamorphic bodies experienced at least four deformation events and relevant three singes of metamorphism.Clockwise P-T-t-d path for the metamorphic bodies is constructed by use of metamorhpic reactions,mineral chemisty of hornblende and mica,geothermobarometer and related isotopic dating data, indicating a typical superimposed metamorphic zonation.Barrovian type biotite-kyanite zones were overprinted by low-p/high-T type sillimanite-cordierite zone.In other words,metamorphism went through three stages: increase in T and P,increase in T and decrease in P,constant P and decrease in T,reflecting crustal thickening during continent-continent collision followed by uplift induced by granitoid intrusion.This is consistent with regional geotectonic setting.
Acta Geologica Sichuan