To study the relationship of tumor malignancy and patient prognosis to DNA ploldy, Sphase fraction,estrogen receptors and lymphnode metastasis (LNM) in breast cancer.METhODS DNA ploidy, SPF, ER and lymphnode metastases were measured by synchronally onsamples from 128 female breast cancer patients.RESULts DNA neuploidy rate, SPF and LNM (+ ) rates in patients with neuploid tumors werehigher than those with ER(+ ) (93. 3%, 30. 7+/-7. 2%, 80% and 64%, 15. 2% +/- 6. 2%, 52% ) respectively (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01 ). SPF and ER (-) rates in patients with neuploid tumors were higherthan those with diploid tumors (23. 1 % +/- 10. 1 %, 31 % and 13. 4 +/- 5. 3%, 8. 7 % ) respectively (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). The patients were graded into 5 categories depending on their reactions to the 4 criteria. Grade I patients were those with all 4 critierae being good, and Grade 5 were those with all critieriaebeing bad. Thus the malignancy of the tumors gradually increased and prognosis became gradually worsewith grade of patients from 1 to 5. The five year survival rated in each group was 100 %, 87. 5 %,68. 7 %,35. 7 % and 23. 1 % respectively.CONCLUSIONS The above results provide objective evidence for grading patients as regards prognosis in breast cancer.
China Oncology