1994年在对经罗湖国境口岸入出境旅行者及出境定居人员传染病监测中,发现梅毒34例,现将检出梅毒患者概要情况报告如下:1 对象与方法1.1 检测对象经罗湖口岸入境在国外居留三个月以上的劳务、留学生、公干、海员及探亲人员,出境劳务、留学定居人员及其他出国一年以上的人员,入出境时不能出示有效的健康证书者。1.2 检测方法采用心拟脂玻片试验(VDRL),及梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(RPHA)检测梅毒。
34 cases of syphilis among 13,946 persons have been found from international travellers and immigrants passing the Luohu port in 1994. The detected rate was 0.24%, 5 cases were found among 2,057 persons entering the port, and 29 cases were found among 11,889 persons leaving the port, including 16 females who married foreigners. Most of the 34 cases were mild and old age. and were lsyphilis. The youger cases had sex relation with prostitutes.