六、克劳森倡议和多边投资保险机构大纲1981年,选举 A·W·克劳森为世界银行行长,为该组织带来了一位最高领导人,他坚信,包括外国私人投资在内的私营部门经济在发展过程中的作用。他在国际银行和金融方面直接和长期的经验使他深知,非商业风险作为国际投资流动主要障碍的现实意义和重要性。显而易见,他以前些年世界银行高级管理人员所相当缺乏的热情,
The Following is the Chinese version of the last part of Chapter One of MIGA and Foreign Investment published in 1988by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.In this part the author deals with the early development of the making of MIGA in cluding the Clausen Initiative,the MIGA outline,the seven staff studies of 1983 and makes the conclusion therefrom.
Nanjing University Law Review